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2005 R.O.C. Public Opinion Survey on Environmental Policies

The topic in the first survey was "the people#s experience with environmental protection". 45% of the public believes that air quality is getting worse compared to the past 3 years. The public takes the exhaust of transportation as the main pollutant in air pollution. 56% take traffic noise from cars and motorcycles as the major threat to their daily lives.
  32% of the public perceives quality of river water is better than that of 3 years ago. Top 3 of priorities on river pollution prevention to be implemented by the government is: enhance controls against industrial wastewater dischargers, cleaning garbage on water surface and on the banks of the river, and enhance discharge control of the pasturage wastewater.
  67% of the public perceives that household surroundings are cleaner compared with last year; additionally, for the "household refuse collection" issue in comparison with the last year, 78% perceive an improvement. Addressing the severity of illegal discarding of construction waste, the public opinions diverge.
  The public deems the government shall endeavor to improve the environment against pollution, with the top 2 opinions in "improvement on air pollution caused by cars and motorcycles" and "improvement on river pollution".

  The second survey topic was "Environmental protection policies of government". Most people agreed to limit the amount of packaging on goods. 65% would not purchase goods that had been overly packaged.
  Nearly 60% were aware of the comprehensive compulsory sorting of garbage, most people were willing to sort their garbage. The percentages were 45% between those either for or against repeal of law on not freely giving out shopping bags.
  Regarding used battery recycling, the public were more in favor of "compulsory regulation of exchanging used batteries to purchase new ones" than "pay deposit first then purchase batteries, deposit could be refunded after batteries were returned for recycling". There were still 47% not in favor, this required furthe
environmental intention, environmental policies, poll survey